About the Author: Walter "Benzinfass" Benda

W3r lIE57 D42? deR 4u7or i57 eiN vEr5IchErun959EilER 5pInNER, dEr ü8eR d42 W422Er 9eHeN k4Nn. w3R MeHr W155EN W1Ll, h1Lf5wE12e 51ch 7r4U7, K4Nn d@$ |_|nT3r Q|_|@|_!f!|k@T!()n lE5eN. PS. \|/E|\||\| |)U b!$ |-|!€r|-|!|\| 9e|_e$e|\| |-|4$7, b!$T |)U E!|\| $p!|\||\|ER u|\||) $0|_|_7e$7 |)!c|-| bE! |\/|!R BeR47E|\| |_422e|\|! ♥♥♥


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Every year several thousand LARPers visit Drachenfest (Wyvern Crafts@Diemelstadt), Conquest (Live Adventure@Brokeloh) and Epic Empires (Epice Empires UG@Bexbach Utopion).

Not everyone has a proper health insurance

Among these visitors there is lots of foreign guest. Some literally come from the other side of the world and go on a long journey from Australia, the United States of America or somewhere else. And we welcome all of you. But not all of you have a health insurance that covers the costs in Germany. We do have one of the best health systems in the world – mb outmatched by Australia or Sweden – but therefore it is one of the more expensive ones as well. So before starting your trip I highly advice you to consult your local insurance broker to get things done. And for those of you who did not manage to cover this yet we have a solution.

Online Overseas/Travel Health Insurance Calculator

Simply use our point & click health insurance calculator to finde a short time insurance that would cover the costs of an emergency etc.
There is just a few specifications you have to provide in order to get a fast result:

  • from (i. g. worldwide without NAFTA)
  • to Germany
  • reason trip abroad (i. g. guests/visitor)
  • duration of coverage (i. g. 30 days)
  • age (i.g. 35 years)

What should be insured?

I highly recommend to include the points listed below:

  • medications and bandages
  • remedies and aids
  • pain-relieving treatment
  • the repair of existing dental prosthesis
  • GOÄ/GOZ 3,5x – Anything below 3,5x would be a high risk
  • repatriation
  • deductible of maximum 50,00€ per case
  • self-expiring contract

Considering the tariffs of our calculator the majority of people will be adequately supplied with the plan called ‚Care Economy‘ which is a medium-cost tariff that includes the minimum standards mentioned above.

What kind of treatment cannot be covered?

There is some treatments that won’t be paid. Simply image a burning house and try to find someone who would willingly insure it against fire. The real world is not ‚Discworld‘.

  • dental replacements/prosthesis

    In Germany this is not considered to be an emergency treatment and even citizens have to pay high deductibles for any dental replacements. Therefore it is not included in cheap oversea travel health insurances.

  • treatment for known diseases (i. g. cancer treatment)

    This has to be organized before leaving the country so one pf the rare cases you may get a payment for is an emergency’s medicament (i. g. allergic shock reaction) or emergency treatment (i. g. stroke)

  • any health plans already in progress

    You have to talk to your home country’s health insurance about the arrangements that can be made.

  • auxiliary equipment

    While crutches may be no problem any kind of expensive application (i. g. bionic arm) is not covered. A wheelchair or similar rent out equipment has to be returned when going home. Most airports have a medical drop who will arrange the conditions of the flight back..

  • Rooming-in

    Rooming-in isn’t available in every German hospital therefore it is not covered by most insurance policies.

What are the costs?

Hard to tell because there is an unisex calculation – in Germany men pay for women’s treatments as well and therefore there is no difference in gender considering the insurance fees – but not an uni-age calculation. So depending on your age it will be between 0,8€ up to 2,0€ per day of your vacation. The appliance can be made online and all papers needed will be provided via download or email delivery.
So if you do not have any more questions feel free to use our point & click health insurance calculator.

Last wishes – GL & HF

I do hope that you will enjoy your stay, have lots of fun and achieve whatever your try to. Till then the best of luck and maybe we see each other on one of the conventions.

LARPer - Independent Insurance Broker - NPC

LARPer – Independent Insurance Broker – NPC


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