About the Author: Walter "Benzinfass" Benda

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Technical information: Some devices may have problems with the embeded link. If this occurs to you please feel free to use this link to the homepage of CareConcept, our partner for travel health insurances in Germany. Thanks.

If you are planning on spending your vacation or even a limited business trip to Germany you may want to have a good health insurance. While our health system is considered to be one of the best in the world (i. g. mb outmatched by Australia or Sweden) it is one of the more expensive ones as well. So before starting your trip I highly advise to consult your local independent insurance broker.

Anyway if you still need an insurance please feel free to check out our online calculator which offers you a variety of offers. Please note that this kind of insurance basically matches a travel insurance for inpats/visitors („Auslandsreisekrankenversicherung“) so when planning to stay for a longer period of time you need another kind of health insurance („Gesetzliche Krankenkasse“ or „Privat Krankenversicherung PKV“).

If you seek advice feel free to call us +49 (0)2327 6047695, send us an email to info [ät] die-finanzpruefer.de or book an appointment via our booking tool.
Side note: Please consider that we may be asleep while your are awake so the time window may be small and therefore a delay in communication seems highly likely.

Online Calculator Travel Health Insurance Germany



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